Tips for Responsible Employees Responding to a Disclosure

We, in the 第九条和平等机会办公室 recognize that the 报告责任 会很困难. The information that follows is designed to help Responsible Employees 以了解创伤的方式履行他们的职责.

Conversations around Discrimination, Harassment, Retaliation, and Sexual Misconduct are sensitive in nature and require care and compassion. 如果是学生或同事 approaches you to talk about something difficult that happened, it shows that they 舒服吗?相信你吗.

Here are a few general tips on explaining your role as a responsible 员工:


"It sounds like you're about to tell me something very personal . . . 在你离开之前 any further, I just want to let you know that I am required to share any disclosures of suspected misconduct to the 第九条和平等机会办公室."


他们能控制什么? How much they tell you and if they decide to pursue an investigation 或不.

什么不是? The disclosure being shared with the 第九条和平等机会办公室. 

It is 重要的 you let 他们 know you are ready to listen and assist, but that you 也有报告义务.


告诉他们接下来会发生什么: 后 I report to the 第九条和平等机会办公室, they will send you an email outlining all resources, options and rights. 你可以做任何你想做的事 希望能收到那封邮件.

You can also connect 他们 to confidential advocacy resources from the Campus Survivor 提倡 or the YWCA and ongoing support from Counseling Services or other mental 卫生专业人员.



“I appreciate your willingness to share this information with me. 我是来帮忙的 准备好倾听. I know that it takes courage for you to share this with me, but before you continue, I want to be transparent about my obligations as a responsible 员工. I need you to know there are certain things I have to share with the Office 为第九条和平等机会而努力. 如果我需要分享信息,我会这么做 in a discrete and compassionate way 和你在一起r best interest at heart. 知道了这一点, if you are more comfortable speaking with some一个 confidentially, I can connect you 带着机密资源. [If you are able, offer to walk 他们 to our Campus Survivor 提倡.] I hope you will talk to some一个 – whether it’s me or a confidential resource.”

Please remember the way you deliver this message is just as 重要的 as the words 你说. 是真诚的. Be earnest, sincere, and mindful of your body language and facial expressions; avoid distractions.

When some一个 shares information 和你在一起, your verbal and nonverbal response is very 重要的.

  • 不打断地倾听.
  • 保持冷静和关注.
  • 保持眼神交流.
  • Do not worry about having to say just the right thing; your presence, time, and empathy 就足够了.
  • Respect the language the person uses to explain what happened (e.g.,如果他们用“受害者”, use victim; if they use “survivor,” use survivor).
  • Remember that this is a time to allow 他们 to express or vent whatever emotions, thoughts, 或者与他们的经历有关的信念.  
  • Embrace silence, as silence means that the person is thinking and/or 过程ing. 这 may also be an opportunity for you to think about how you can help and be there for 他们.  
  • 验证和支持这个人. (回想一下你听到的话:“那一定有 对你来说很艰难/可怕/可怕.”)
  • 帮助他们找到一到两个值得信赖的支持人员. (“你想找谁吗? 和你在一起?”)


  • Asking “why” questions, or judging the person’s actions (e.g.“你为什么喝酒? 那么多?,或者“你为什么留下来过夜??或者“你为什么认为这是种族歧视??”).
  • 问问题来满足自己的好奇心.
  • Dismissing the person’s feelings or minimizing their experience (e.g.“有可能 更糟”).
  • 告诉别人他们需要做什么(e).g.“你需要和咨询师谈谈”).

Let 他们 know what will happen next, after you share the disclosure with the Office 为第九条和平等机会而努力.



“I need to share this information with the 第九条和平等机会办公室. 他们将 do everything they can to maintain your privacy. 你可以期待收到 a letter from that office with information about resources, your resolution options, and ways the 第九条和平等机会办公室 can support you.  他们将 也要安排一次会面.  You are not obligated to respond to their outreach, and meeting with 他们 will not obligate you to participate in any investigation or other disciplinary 过程.” 

后 the conversation, you need to share all known details from the disclosure with the 第九条和平等机会办公室 such as: 

  • Names of all known parties involved (complainant, respondent, and witnesses);
  • 指称事件的日期、时间和地点;
  • Any details of the incident shared by the complainant;
  • 投诉人是否要求保密;
  • Whether the complainant requested no action be taken; and
  • 其他有关事实.

Please remember that it is okay if the student does not share all of the above information 和你在一起. You need only report what you know to the Office for 第九条 and Equal 机会.  We want you to listen, not inquire, so report only what you heard.  


  • Complete an Online Report (if you are unable to fill out all of the required fields, 只需输入“未知”或留空即可)
  • Call the 第九条和平等机会办公室 at (408) 924-7290 or Text/Call (669) 877-0620
  • 发送电子邮件至 

We encourage you to be yourself in any conversation that involves a disclosure. 后 all, the impacted person is likely coming to you because they trust you. 包括 below are links to additional scripts based on specific scenarios that are intended 来帮助你进行这些对话.

  1. When a student does not want to further disclose to you [pdf],
  2. When a student wants to further disclose to you [pdf],
  3. What if some一个 is about to disclose, but I have another obligation to tend to? [pdf]
  4. 提供支援[pdf].